Friday, 2 September 2011

Creating Community plan

I serve, 20% core library users, borderline library users and I use 3S (Support, Serve and Seek to understand) the hidden majority of users.

3C strategy: Cause, Channel and real Care+Compassion.



September is Library Card Sign-up month: I would be doing, 'Let's Meet at the Library' presentations in our community, database demonstrations, OPEN FIELDS - field trips, and Tea or Coffee tours. Membership is free for the residents of the city and county of Wetaskiwin.


September is Life Literacy month

September 1, 12-2 p.m.: Library Card Sign-up month presentation at Touchstone Place

Sept is Whole Grains month:


September pilot test Grandparents Time at Sunrise Village


September 8, 12-3 p.m.: Intercultural communications workshop at the Literacy Office

What can I do to better communicate with newcomers to my workplace and organization?

Communication difficulties at the worksite are a common occurrence. A lack of understanding to what to do when communication difficulties arise leads to workplace dysfunction. This dysfunction is noticed at the workplace through various ways including duties not being completed, distrust and reinforced negative stereotypes.

The workshop on September 8th will look specifically at frequent issues at the worksite as it relates to communication and culture, the reasons as to why this takes place and (most importantly) provide tips and resources to you on how to overcome these issues at the workplace and organizations.


  • Alberta Employment & Immigration
  • Wetaskiwin Community Literacy Program


September 8: International Literacy Day

Give away books and crossword puzzles in public places

Be seen reading

  • Support Wetaskiwin Community Literacy program (display at the library, Sept 1)
  • Support Community Adult Learning Council
  • Support One City One Book
  • Displays in schools
  • ABC Literacy for Life Foundation, GOOD READs Author reading (confirmed. Rescheduled.)



September 9, 8- 9 am: PRINTS Parents Role in Interacting with Teacher Support information sharing workshop and support. The program was developed by Dr. Mary Cronin (Saskatchewan) and Dr. Bill Fagan (Newfoundland).  PRINTs is built upon understanding of 5 STEPS in early literacy development (Print awareness, print motivation, books and book sharing, and printing)  and ROLES parents engage in (Involving the child, Recognizing the Childs participation, Interacting with the child, Modeling for the child and Setting guidelines for doing things together.)

September 9, 1:30-3 p.m. International FASD day, Presentations, Wheel of Fortune, Moctails plus (waiting for group decision for event details)

Partner and Coach: Stacy Wolbeck, Network Coordinator, Prairie Central FASD Network, #3 Community Centre, 4516-54 St. Camrose,  AB T4V 4W7, Phone: (780) 672-0141, Fax: (780) 672-2833

·        Horizons Centre, Catholic Social Services, Touchstone Place

·        Participation by Alberta Health Services,

·        Participation by Family School Liaisons and special needs staff from schools and school division

  • Stacy Wolbeck, Network Coordinator, Prairie Central FASD Network

·        Proclamation on August 22 @3:30 p.m. at the City Council

·        Door prize by Wetaskiwin's Dennis Pederson flower shop

·        Door prize Arbourne's gift basket

Further information:


September 15, 12-3 p.m.: Migrant Routes workshop @ the library

Our increasingly diverse communities and workplaces call for professional development that allows employees to learn about the experiences and challenges that newcomers face when coming to Canada.

The workshop can help you and your organization build a strategy around creating more inclusive spaces for all community members.

What will you learn about?

  • The Canadian immigration system
  • Challenges and barriers newcomers face
  • Strategies to create equitable and welcoming spaces
  • Tools to ensure that policies and practices that seem neutral do not have discrimination built into them
  • Methods to build an inclusive community where all individuals and families are realizing their full potential

Migrant Routes workshops and materials are offered in English or French.  Resources include a DVD documentary that takes participants on a virtual exploration of Franco-African immigrants' arrival in Alberta and the Karibuni (Ki-Swahili for "Welcome") Educational Resource Manual that offers information and activities that can help to build understanding about migrant issues, the concept of integration and ways to make positive change towards inclusion.

For more information, please contact: Ashima Sumaru, Education Coordinator, Centre for Race and Culture, 780 425 4644, ext. 115,

September 16-19: Clean up the World campaign

September 17, 2-3 pm:  Environment Day and Puppet plays

·        Theresa to demonstrate upcycling clothes

·        Lynne puppet shows


September 19: Bag-it Screening at the Reynolds Museum

Screening of the film Bag-it in schools and at the Reynolds Museum

Bag It has been garnering awards at film festivals across the nation. What started as a documentary about plastic bags evolved into a wholesale investigation into plastics and their effect on our waterways, oceans, and even our bodies.  Join the Bag It movement and decide for yourself how plastic your life will be.

Seeking Endorsers: Is there someone at the City who would be interested in doing this - i.e. an alderman?  I think it would be good platform to launch an anti-littering campaign in Wetaskiwin.

Streamline Libraries role:

  • Purchase 3 copies of Bag-it movie
  • Contact County
  • Purchase public performance rights
  • List the event on the library website and calendar
  • Updates on library pathways
  • Sell tickets $2/- all revenue and proceeds will come to the library (130 tickets) Tickets on sale at the Wetaskiwin Public library, city hall, John Maude's office
  • Distribute bookmarks
  • Bulletin board at the library (placed on Aug 28)
  • Promote at Aug 27: Side walk Sale, Sept 7: Parade of Programs, Sept 17: Environment day
  • Display of our environment books on Sept 19 at the screening venue REM


  • John Maude Financial Inc.
  • Reynolds Alberta Museum
  • Schools?
  • Resources: Bag It and
  • Wetaskiwin Public Library and Millet Public Library
  • Environment Champion Sandi Ratch (to bring  examples of the stuff she has created: utensil holder and give the recipe of her home-made laundry detergent)
  • Theresa seamstress (to show ways to upcycle clothes. Like converting a turtle neck into a jacket.)


September 19-23:  Learn @ work week by CSTD (The Canadian Society for Training and Development)

Activity: What did I learn today?

·        To raise awareness of the impact of workplace learning on business outcomes


September 21

Knowledge Connector launch, open house followed by a Leadership Development workshop.  The launch from 11-12:30 and the workshop from 12:45 to 2:45 with lunch included. At the launch party we would also have cake and treats!

Victoria Poschadel


September 22: Essential Skills celebration and Launch of BLESS program (Building Literacy and Essential Skills). The goal is to look at the essential skills with a new focus. The nine essential skills are reading, computer use, writing, oral communications, thinking, working with others, numeracy and continuous learning.

Activities: Displays.  Collage.  Use of ES Contest and Draw for a prize (reward for sharing ways in which essential skills are used in the house, work and community on Sept 24)


·        Office of Literacy & Essential Skills (for information)

·        Norquest College Presentation  (for speaker?)

·        Alberta Employment and Immigration –Wetaskiwin office (for printed resources)

·        ABC Life Literacy Canada and Essential Skills Day (for project development support and resources)

·        Wetaskiwin Community Literacy Program  ( to follow-up)

·        Wetaskiwin Adult Learning Council (to follow-up)

Library's Showcase:



September 23: YRL conference



September 28:  Raise a Reader day





September 29: World Heart Day


September 30-Ocotber 2, Alberta Arts Days: WONK Reads launch and a Poetry, Photographs and Painting Show (details to follow)

October 2: Sunday ART CELEBRATION at the library

Live demonstrations, Walk and Talk Tour, Just Painting, Just Drawing, Art Journaling

·        Alberta Arts Days provincial

·        Local and regional artists

·        International Federation of Library Association-Sister Libraries

·        Project Library CALLS: Creative Arts. Literature.  Language.  Lifelong Learning

Claudia added a third activity, named POETRY GARDEN which consists in creating podcasts with poetry for children in English, French and Romanian.

Further information at


OCTOBER IS LIBRARY MONTH.  Proclamation delegation to the Council on Sept 26

Theme: A place unbound





WHEREAS                                          libraries are vibrant community centres for education, information, recreation and culture; and


WHEREAS                                          libraries play a vital role in helping Albertans compete in the knowledge economy and global marketplace; and


WHEREAS                                          libraries support literacy and lifelong learning and promote discussion on key issues, such as intellectual freedom, equity of access, and narrowing the digital divide; and


WHEREAS                                          libraries are changing and dynamic places and librarians are the ultimate search engine, helping people of all ages find the information they need in print and online; and


WHEREAS                                          awareness and support must be increased for libraries by raising the visibility of libraries in a positive context and by communicating clearly and strongly why libraries are both unique and valuable;



NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Mayor Bill Elliot, on behalf of the Council and citizens of the City of Wetaskiwin,


DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the month of October 2011 as



in Wetaskiwin



Mayor Bill Eliot







October 6, afternoon: YRL's 40th anniversary celebration

October 7: PIDA program Launch (Print Information in Daily Activities). The program integrates art, environment and reading activities. Environment Print, Environment sustainability, Messy Fingers, Stamping, Creative use of magazines and newspapers, and promote the Pleasure of Reading - alone, with a buddy or in a group.

October pilot test Reading Circles at Seniors Complex, B & G Club and School Librarians


October: Host the Job Finding Club celebration and a presentation by HR Manager from a local business

World Teachers Day, October 5

World Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on 5 October. A celebration of teachers and their enormous contribution to learning and social development. Teachers are the heart of the education system. Human civilizations cannot sustain themselves without investment in training and measures to promote respect for the teaching profession.

Int'l School Library Month


"Literacy and Learning at your School Library"

The aim is to celebrate school libraries and to highlight the importance of school library programs in the education of our children (From 2008, International School Library Day will be celebrated throughout the world on the first Monday in October).

Research shows that student achievement increases with access to school libraries with well-funded curriculum-based collections, strong school library programs, and professionally qualified teacher-librarians who work collaboratively with classroom teachers. In addition, students become better readers when the have access to a school library and books to read.  Specifically:

1.       students get a large portion of their reading materials from libraries

2.       students read more when they have a comfortable place to read

3.       free voluntary reading has an impact on reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling ability, grammar usage and writing style

4.       access to books and magazines predicts higher reading achievement

5.       an ample supply of books is key to the fostering of independent and engaged readers, particularly second language learners

6.       students who read more typically have higher literacy development as well as higher student achievement

7.       standardized scores tend to be 10 to 20% higher in schools with an investment of well-stocked, well-equipped school libraries, managed by qualified and motivated pro­fessional teacher-librarians working with support staff.

Many of the research studies can be found on the International Association of School Librarianship's webpage "School Libraries Make A Difference To Student Achievement,"




October 10-20: UNESCO's exhibition, 'Freedom of Expression in Broad Strokes' @ the library

The Canadian Commission for UNESCO and the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom have organized an annual international competition for editorial cartoonists to promote freedom of expression and freedom of the press. The exhibit presents the best editorial cartoons received since the beginning of the competition. Over 700 cartoons are received each year, and the winners are honoured in Ottawa on World Press Freedom Day, May 3.


·        Lucas Warren, Communications Manager, City of Wetaskiwin

·        Canadian Commission for UNESCO


October 12:    Series on Personal Development on Wednesdays

This series will run over 6 weeks starting on October 12 and will be held at the Wetaskiwin Public Library on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 p.m.  The series has been developed and created by Zaheen Nanji, Wellness Coach and Co-director of Shanti Wellness Centre, Wetaskiwin.

The cost is $ 50 for 6 weeks OR $10 for individual session.

October 12: WEEK 1: Nine Keys that Successful People Have in Common

October 19: WEEK 2: Chaos and Opportunity and How to Make a Good Decision ????

October 26: WEEK 3: Who Am I at I Different Neurological Levels?

November 2: WEEK 4: How to Write and Create Goals or Well Formed Outcomes?

November 9: WEEK 5: Create a Compelling Future using Timeline Therapy

November 16: WEEK 6: How to Use Language, 3 Senses and Eye Accessing Cues to Communicate Better and Increase Sales

If you attend all 6 sessions, you will receive a gift certificate from Shanti Wellness Centre.

Register now: Call Manisha at the library 780 361 4447 or or visit the library.

Partners: Shanti Wellness Centre  and Wetaskiwin Public Library


October 15, Saturday: World Food Day: Potato Puppets   2011 theme:  From crisis to Stability

Symbols: The FAO's symbol consists of a circle. Inside the circle is a graphical image of an ear of wheat and the letters F, A and O. The FAO's motto "fiat panis" (let there be bread) appears under the ear of wheat. The first version of this design was a badge distributed to delegates at an FAO conference in Copenhagen in 1946. The current version was registered with the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property on July 1, 1964, and has been used widely since about 1977.

A World Food Day official symbol consists of three abstract human figures harvesting, distributing and sharing food. The figures are depicted in a bluish-grey color and the food in an orange shade. This draws attention to the food. The whole image aims to bring attention to the necessity and joy of growing, harvesting and distributing food.


October 18: Launch Living and Human Library and podcasts (linked to careers and auto-bio-graphy)

Partners: Alberta Employment and immigration?, JEDI Alberta?, Wetaskiwin Heritage Museum  and Wetaskiwin Adult Learning Council



October 26, 7-9 pm: Library board presents Appreciation Evening and the launch of our Plan of Service at the city hall.

Partners: City of Wetaskiwin Public Library Board


Open Access Week (October 24-30, 2011)   

Learn. Share. Advance.

Event: Open Access Week at Athabasca University  (Open Educational Resource)

AU's Open Access Week is to promote understanding, adoption, use and production of open access resources for formal and informal teaching and learning. AU is presenting a series of five noon-hour `webcasts` exploring major issues and opportunities presented by open access. Each session will feature an internationally known promoter and developer of open access resources, research or ideas. Noon hour webcasts will include the following presentations: Monday, October 18 - Using Open Production of Course Content to make a Difference. Dr. Wayne Mackintosh Noon to 1 p.m., Mountain Time (Canada) Tuesday, October 19 - Open Opportunity through Open Scholarship and Open Publication Dr Frits Pannekoek Noon to 1 p.m., Mountain Time (Canada) Wednesday, October 20 - Open Educational Resources and Copyright Dr Rory McGreal Noon to 1 p.m., Mountain Time (Canada) Thursday, October 21 - Managing and Learning in MOOCs (massive open online courses) George Siemens, Noon to 1 p.m., Mountain Time (Canada) Friday, October 22 - Panel on Open Library, Scholarship and Learning at Athabasca University Dr Terry Anderson, Dr Cindy Ives,Tony Tin,Colin Elliot Noon to 1 p.m., Mountain Time (Canada) For more information, please contact Colin Elliott ( or visit the AU Open Access site at:…


Ideas in Exploration stage

Athabasca University



1.       Open Access University Press promotion (AU Press)

2.       Display+handouts and (Open access Resources) 

3.       Could we do something interactive? and link it to giving information which will recruit students + PD opportunities?

4.       Managing and Learning in MOOCs (massive open online courses)


December 2: UN International Day for Persons With Disabilities

Idea shared by Charles from Horizons Centre

2010 story:


January to March 2012: Mobile Computer Lab from The Alberta Library (TAL) to demonstrate MANGO language learning software and Career Cruising databases. (Booked)



January 2012: Creating Community Café at the First United Church

Culture, cooking, conversation and friendship

Partners:  Ruth Lumax First United Church





January 27: Family Literacy Day (Lynne)

February: Aboriginal Storytelling month

February is International Friendship month

International Mother Language Day, February 21: Language coffeehouse in business

The majority of the world's population speaks two or more languages, and "mother language" is the one they learnt first. Languages play an important role in the integration process in all aspects of public life but especially education.

Education in many countries of the world takes place in multilingual contexts and so such societies must look towards a philosophy which balances and respects the use of different languages in daily life.


March 2012: Grab the Grants, How to write award winning proposals, Storytelling, Demonstrating outcomes and transformations, and Building trust in relationships

Partners: Service Alberta


International Women's Day, March 8

In December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. For the United Nations, International Women's Day has been observed on 8 March since 1975.

World Storytelling Day, March 20-21

This celebration is a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling (often the first day of Spring). As many people as possible tell and listen to stories in as many languages and at as many places as possible, during the same day and night.



April 2012: Seniors guest speakers series (subject to receiving the grant)



April 23rd:  World Book Day 

World Book Day was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.

A main aim of World Book Day is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own. For international information about World Book Day, please click here and here.

April 23rd - May 21st "Read Globally, Act Locally" 

(A Global Literacy Project, Inc. Initiative)

Every April/May, the Global Literacy Project mobilizes students, teachers and parents to read stories from around the world. They're then encouraged to use these stories as a way to reflect upon how actions in their local community can lead to positive change at the global level. "Read Globally, Act Locally" global citizenship commendations recognize outstanding students who advocate for the UN's "Education for All" goals by making presentations to community leaders.

These activities often utilize stories written by students and volunteers from our various participating clusters. We encourage schools to invite local political representatives to see and hear about how literacy has the power to connect people from around the planet!

May 21st:  World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

The Day provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the values of cultural diversity and to learn to "live together" better. People around the world are asked to promote greater awareness of the crucial relationship between culture and development and the important role of information and communication technologies in this relationship.


October 19, 2012: Partnership with Red Deer Public Library

 The touring children's author Robert will visit our library in Oct of 2012.  The Wetaskiwin stop will be around the 19th or so.  Please remember that is 2012 not this coming fall. We are submitting our grant application in partnership with the Red Deer Public Library this month.

Please note: The above list of community engagement and learning activities are free, fluid, fun, and created by a necklace of friends to make new strings of friends to raise awareness about the service offered, framework and support systems in our community. 

For more information contact: Manisha Khetarpal, Manager of Library Services, 780 361 4447,

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